7 May - 4 June 2023
Marvin Gardens is pleased to announce the opening of “Red Car,” a debut solo exhibition of paintings by Peter Mix. In this recent series of work, scenes are illustrated of individuals arriving and departing from one another. The images convey transitions between union and solitude using contemporary archetypes of transport such as the car and boat. Most often, as the title suggests, a red car symbolizes the vehicle transporting one between these social states. An air of stillness is palpable, as if the moment is frozen in perpetuity for contemplation. The artist is concerned with exploring this moment of subtle change between these two states of being and its implications on behavior. Although reflection is the overall mood of the work, it is up to the viewer to decide how active or passive we are in this transition between solitude and the social, and if these states are really distinct at all or operate more like the tide. In Arrow, a melancholic figure, pierced by an arrow with a note of mocking text attached, seems to lack appropriate response while possibly their former companion vanishes along the horizon. Combining ambiguity with distinct imagery, these works create a scenario that lacks sufficient information to create a solid narrative, yet provides enough to elicit the presence of an event.